Tuesday, March 3, 2015

PIMCO: another $8.6 billion of outflows in February from the Pimco Total Return Fund

From Reuters.com:

Pimco's top investment officer said on Tuesday that "late decision makers" are largely behind a rush of withdrawals from its flagship bond fund some five months after the departure of longtime manager Bill Gross, but the outflows should taper off before long...

...the firm reported another $8.6 billion of outflows in February from the Pimco Total Return Fund, bringing withdrawals to $76.6 billion since Gross moved from Pimco to Janus Capital Group Inc...

The $124.7 billion fund is now fraction of its size nearly two years ago, when under Gross it ranked as the world's largest mutual fund, with $292.9 billion in assets in April 2013...

It is not just the total return fund that has suffered: Investors pulled $150 billion from Pimco's U.S. open-end mutual funds last year, according to Morningstar data...

Pacific Investment Management Co, a unit of Allianz SE, had $1.68 trillion in assets under management as of Dec. 31.
Link: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/03/us-investing-pimco-ivascyn-idUSKBN0LZ2JK20150303

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