Saturday, January 31, 2015

Apple cash enough to pay $556 to every American

My first understanding of money was the coin changer hanging from the belt of the ice cream man who drove the truck slow, slow, slowly down our Detroit street while playing music through a speaker.

He took our money for an ice cream bar and Bam!  Gave back change faster than a gun fighter shooting bad guys.

Click, click, nickels and dimes and a quarter.  

Man, that was fast.

The next big understanding as a kid was doing a chore then getting paid.  Sweep, shovel, deliver: get cash.

A twist in that last understanding was getting money as a Catholic altar boy for some services like a funeral or a wedding.

Hmmm?  For a regular Mass, I gladly served for free.  I served out of a sense of duty and honor and a desire to help.  (I wouldn't have said honor back then.)

Yet, to serve at a wedding or funeral, I got paid a five, a ten, and occasionally a twenty.  Nice!  Getting that money felt good.

But, who decided who does those Masses and how can I do more of those?

The answer was someone else decided, and someone else gave those assignments by saying this was special.

But I realized quickly that what was given like this could just as easily be taken away.

This was my first wisdom about money. 

I think about this as I read a headline at CNBC that an iconic American company has so much cash it could give away a decent amount of dollars to every American.   

Give away?  Should that be redistribute?

So, my question to you is this: what's your impulse when you read about that cash: should other people get that cash or should Apple keep it?

What I know is that everyone with an impulse to redistribution wants to skim much more than an equal share.  Deep down the redistribution people know they are better and smarter than you.  They deserve more.

They want to control where favors go.  PB

From CNBC:

Apple's first-quarter earnings announcement had retail investors buzzing Wednesday morning about the company's $18 billion profits, the largest ever reported by a public company.

Apple's revenue is equivalent to collecting $10 from every person in the world.

And the tech giant is hanging on to a lot of that cash.

Its massive reserves of $178 billion are enough to pay every American $556, which outpaces the next-biggest player, Microsoft, at only $319 in reserves per U.S. resident.

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