Saturday, December 28, 2013

Chronic unemployment plagues the jobless

From the Wall Street Journal online:

"An emergency jobless-benefits program due to expire this weekend would pinch the finances of more than a million Americans..."

"Sheri Minkoff is among those who would lose benefits.

Ms. Minkoff, who is 50 years old and divorced, has been looking for work since being laid off from a Pittsburgh nonprofit group in January.

In the past year, Ms. Minkoff's résumés "hit brick walls," she said,

and she often later learned employers went with someone "about 
20 years younger, with a master's degree, who will take a much smaller salary."

The government benefit she receives "pays my rent, it pays the electric, and that's all," said Ms. Minkoff, who has a 20-year-old son...."


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