Sunday, September 29, 2013

Obama administration killing jobs pointlessly

From the New York Post:

...The Obama administration is prepared to sacrifice your jobs even when it can’t show any benefit to the United States.

The environmental laws of the 1970s aimed to clean up America’s air and waters. They were about curbing local pollution and making the environment better for Americans.

Cutting carbon-dioxide emissions is completely different. Unless the rest of the world joins in, it’s pointless for America to act by itself. Remember, we’re talking about global warming.

Acting alone, the sacrifice of blue-collar jobs is entirely about political symbolism and appeasing wealthy green activists.

...And without an effective international agreement, there are no benefits. Any cuts in emissions from the EPA’s war on coal will be outweighed by the fast-growing carbon footprints of developing nations.

...Today, even as Obama’s EPA starts to shut down US coal plants, China is building around 40 coal-fired power plants a year. Coal provides India with over half its electricity. Even green Germany is burning more coal and its emissions of carbon dioxide have been increasing.

President Bill Clinton also aimed to save the planet from global warming — but he was pragmatic. His efforts were in the context of the Kyoto Protocol, which US negotiators crafted with escape hatches so the United States could buy its way out if the “solution” threatened the economy.

By contrast, Obama is acting unilaterally when the prospects of a global accord to cap emissions are as distant as ever.

Politically, the president can afford the pain. He has fought his last election, so is not directly threatened by the economic sacrifice he wants Americans to make.

But the effect of the EPA regulations may well be to ensure that many others in his party are also enjoying their final term in elective office when they can’t explain why Americans should lose their jobs for a cause that makes no sense.

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