Sunday, August 11, 2013

WSJ: Teens Face Worst Labor Market (what has the Obama economy done for black teenagers?)

From the Wall Street Journal online:

12%: The share of the unemployed who are teenagers.

The entire working population has suffered from a slow jobs recovery, but no group has had a harder time than teenagers.

The unemployment rate for people 16 to 19 years old is 23.7%, compared to 7.2% for the population as a whole...

Teenagers make up less than 4% of the labor force, but 12%, or about one in eight, of the 11 million unemployed is between 16 and 19 years old.

Education is a major factor. The unemployment rate for those with a bachelor’s degree or higher is just 3.8%, but almost necessarily teenagers haven’t finished college. Workers without a high school diploma, even those over 25 who have more on-the-job experience, face an unemployment rate almost three times higher than university graduates.

One subset of teen workers has it even worse: African Americans. The unemployment rate for black 16 to 19-year-olds is a whopping 41.6%. 

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