Thursday, June 21, 2012

Up to 95 Million Low-Skill Workers in Danger of Being Left Behind

From the

Between 90 and 95 million low-skill workers around the world could be without jobs by 2020 because there simply won’t be enough positions available for them to apply for, according to a new report from the McKinsey Global Institute.

The report said both the private and public sector should make a “concerted” effort to alleviate this and that if little is done, those low-skill workers could be doomed to long-term joblessness.

“If we don’t up the efforts we make to increase the skills of the labor force and at the same time create jobs for low-skilled people at a much higher pace, we’re going to face a world where we’re going to have a long-term group of unemployed people with all of the social costs that that brings,” said McKinsey Global Institute director Richard Dobbs...

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