Thursday, March 15, 2012

Breaking up with Goldman Sachs

From Jennifer Rubin on her blog Right Turn at

I’ve heard of people proposing on the jumbotron at baseball games ... but resigning on the op-ed page of the New York Times? Greg Smith, definitely in the 1 percent, quit his job at Goldman Sachs because the cads there were . . . drum roll . . . interested in making money. Lots of it. All the time. And from really rich people.

I’m appalled, too. At Smith, not those profit hounds at Goldman Sachs....

Oh my heavens: make as much money off your clients as you can??!!

Next thing you know car dealers will be trying to sell you cars others don’t want, realtors will be pushing you to buy a more expensive home (shhh, don’t tell — but they work on a commission) and your kids will be selling you magazine subscriptions you don’t want. (This month’s “Travel+Leisure” sits on the counter.)

Put aside the jerkiness of quitting on the pages of a newspaper, and you still have to wonder if Greg Smith is really this silly or is playing silly, well, to get a column in the New York Times (which remains shocked by the entire capitalism thing) and a book deal or an appearance on Oprah....

This is victimology to the nth degree. He’s made gazillion dollars and now has decided its beneath him. And for this he gets space in The Gray Lady.  
I can hardly wait for President Obama to call him and tell him his parents should be proud of him....

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