Thursday, December 15, 2011

New Foreclosure Wave is Coming

From CNBC:

Despite a seasonal slowdown in overall foreclosure activity, and a process still bogged down and backed up by the "robo-signing" processing scandal, the U.S real estate market is about to be hit by another surge of bank repossessions, according to a new report from the online foreclosure sale site RealtyTrac.

As banks resubmit millions of documents and courts begin hearing cases again, the backlog of over four million delinquent loans will start surging through the pipeline again....

While overall inventories of homes for sale have been dropping somewhat steadily over the past year, these new distressed properties will put increasing downward pressure on home prices nationally....  Both government and the private sector know that until the backlog of distressed properties is cleared, the housing market will have little chance of regaining a solid footing.


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