Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Investors Can Save Tens of Billions of Dollars Every Year in Cost Savings


Refinance Your Investments® with the lowest cost ETFs.

Our Life Keepers™ approach is the most cost effective way to invest.

    * Buy the best ETFs, pay the lowest costs, keep them for life. 
    * Never pay more than 0.2% in total annual costs. 
    * Own them anywhere you buy stocks and bonds.

We teach.  You invest.  And, you keep all the cost savings.  That's our method. (Click on the blue shaded links above about 2 inches from the top like "Real Examples" to get more information on what we do.)  

We have demonstrated to investors how to save from hundreds of dollars up to tens of thousands of dollars in the first year alone.  When those savings stay locked in and repeated every year, the total amounts saved can add extra hundreds of thousands of dollars to your individual accounts.

No matter how the markets perform - up, down, sideways - your cost savings will remain with you.  In effect, you can stop others from skimming your wealth with fees that are no longer necessary to pay.  From brokerage accounts to mutual funds, what you own can be replaced with the lowest cost ETFs from the best, largest asset managers like Vanguard.

Our experience over twenty five years tells us most investors don't know how much money they waste on costs.  That is why most products, like mutual funds, bury their costs inside the products.  You never see what you pay in actual dollar amounts.

We expose your costs.  We put a dollar figure on the total.  And show you what happens to the growth of your money when you keep the savings in your accounts.

Advice?  Trust?  We don't question your advisers; we explain how much they really cost you.  The industry basically sells the value of the "relationships" that are promoted.  We focus on the relationship between costs and the effect it has on your money.  Learn our simple, effective alternative.

You can save large, meaningful amounts of money. That should be motivation enough.  Together with a million or so other investors - average folks with whatever they have managed to save and invest - the total savings nationwide can reach tens of billions of dollars every year.

Stop focusing on what the industry, the marketers, and the media want you to follow.  Instead, go inside what you own, put a dollar figure on the actual loss to costs that happens with your money, and consider a simpler way to invest that keeps large savings in your accounts. 

Investments like the lowest cost ETFs from Vanguard are so good you can buy them and keep them for life. We know how more expensive products and services are justified and sold to you.  But you don't need them. There is a better way that can be measured in real dollars.

Ask us to present our Life Keepers approach to your group of friends, fellow employees, or fellow retirees. 

Patrick Broderick
Contact me at BroderickETF@gmail.com

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