Monday, August 1, 2011

Budget Deal a 'Joke,' Obama Is 'Incompetent': says Donald Trump: 'China is eating our lunch'

From CNBC:

'The apparent deal to extend the debt ceiling is "fantastic" for President Barack Obama but a "joke" for the rest of the country, real estate magnate Donald Trump said...

In all, Trump said in a CNBC interview, the weeks-long squabble is another black eye for America.

"Eventually you have to balance the budget. This is a long way from balancing the budget," he said. "This is just a joke. This is a down payment at most...

Beyond that, he said, Obama is incompetent.

"When I say incompetent, he's competent in getting elected and re-elected, but as far as running the country, he's incompetent," Trump said.

In addition to making another broadside at Obama, Trump repeated his worries that the US continues to fall behind China in terms of infrastructure, manufacturing and education.

"China is eating our lunch," he said. "Our country is going down and going down fast."'



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