Saturday, January 22, 2011

"SEC Study Lifts Bar for Brokers"

From the WSJ:  

"Last year's Dodd-Frank financial law says the SEC can hold brokers to a higher "fiduciary duty" standard, compelling them to put the interests of clients before their own. Investment advisers already are held to that standard, while brokers need to ensure only that the products they sell are "suitable" for their clients." 

"To put the interests of clients before their own." Sounds downright revolutionary.

Why even worry about this?  Life Keepers teaches how advice is overrated and overpriced.  Most costs are hidden, accepted as normal, and ignored.  A better way to invest is where you, the investor, keep most of your costs.

Our modest proposal: simply bypass Wall Street and Washington:
  • Take control over what you own.  Own ETFs you can keep for life.

  • Use the lowest cost ETFs from asset managers like Vanguard.

  • Never pay more than 0.2% in annual costs.  Keep the difference.

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