Sunday, July 31, 2016

Hey!  Who guessed today's headlines last November?

From Drudge Report:  AMAZON Drone Terror Panic...

From Drudge LinkWe're drone for: Terror fears over Amazon's new flying deliveries


Monday, November 30, 2015

Amazon: Soon to Conquer Home Delivery? Or Become a Terrorist's BFF?

A drone delivers a package to your home.

Do you tip the drone?

Or will the drone trip you into unforeseen dangers?

Will terrorists learn how to exploit Amazon Prime to deliver explosives, nuclear waste, toxic poisons or baby parts to your backyard?

What kind of security will there be at the Amazon warehouses when bad guys take over and send Amazon Prime delivery drones to your home?

You might receive something you never ordered and would never want in a million years.

What if the Bad Guys work with Google and Facebook - using their deep data profiles that means you will never have privacy ever again - and start eliminating people?

Someone doesn't like Christians, or immigrants, or Republicans, or what? 

You have no privacy anymore.

Now that drones can deliver packages to your home, there is little security and nowhere to hide, certainly no way to remain private.

There is no Jack Bauer coming to rescue you.

Let's imagine - this is not hard to do - that Seattle, Silicon Valley and Washington D.C. Power People decide to profile you, vilify you, and target you.   Why not deliver a bit of nasty to your backyard or doorstep?

Right now, only Seattle Billionaires know for sure!

The Seattle Billionaire who owns Amazon also owns the Washington Post newspaper.

Google and Facebook can and do control the content and type of news that is delivered to your device. 

What happens when bad things happen and the news never gets delivered?

George Orwell somewhere is whistling a tune you will start hearing very soon.  PB

Monday, July 18, 2016

Hundreds Of Men Sleeping On Streets For Shot At Plumbers Union Apprenticeship Program

Jobs? Good paying jobs? Protected life time jobs?

How do you get a job like that?

The most telling line of the story: "most are already plumbers looking for a promotion."   PB

From CBS television in New York City:

Hundreds of young men are sleeping on the streets of Queens Sunday night for a shot at a job.

CBS2’s Ali Bauman reported they are waiting for an application to the Plumbers Union Apprenticeship Program. One thousand applications are handed out in order Monday morning. After tests and interviews, only a percentage are accepted to the five-year program.

“It’s a long shot, so hopefully I get it,” Anthony Hughes said.

Signs on the training center tell applicants not to camp out, but if they listen, they don’t really have a shot, like Mauricio Cruz who showed up Sunday afternoon.

“I walked up, added every chair and three for every tent and came out to 1,226,” Cruz said. “I know I’m after that. It’s insane. I don’t know if I’m gonna wait.”

Many of the applicants waited through the rain on Saturday and the stifling heat on Sunday. Most are already plumbers looking for a promotion.
“The ‘A’ guys top out at $67 an hour. The ‘B’ guys top out at $40 an hour,” Anthony Sala said.

Dilbert: Cop Killers Versus Racists

From the well trained mind of that keen observer with the gimlet eye: Scott Adams.

By the way, Scott Adams would like it if you buy his book:


"Trump’s biggest problem in this election so far is that most racists appear to be on his side. At least it looks that way to the public.

That awkward perception allowed Team Clinton to brand the Trump campaign as the racist team. Clinton’s strategy of racial politics has been effective. I recently blogged that “crooked” beats “racist” every time, meaning that unless something changes, Clinton has the persuasion advantage.

But today we see in the polls that the candidates are effectively tied. What changed?

The biggest change is not the FBI’s decision on Clinton’s email scandal, although that is clearly part of it. To my eyes, the biggest change is that Clinton’s team just became the cop-killing side. At least that’s how it looks to our irrational minds.

Your brain thinks cops are probably Trump supporters (true or not) while you probably see cop-killers as Clinton supporters (true or not). And that means the recent slaughter of five policemen in Dallas changed your mental equation.

Now it seems – to our irrational minds – that we no longer have a contest between crooked and racist.

Now we have a contest between cop-killers and racists. And in that contest, the racists win. That’s because most folks see in themselves at least a little bit of racial bias, but almost none of us see ourselves as cop-killers.

So identity politics now favors racist because the alternative is cop-killer. There aren’t many ways to make peace-loving racists seem like a good thing, but compared to cop-killers, they come out slightly ahead.

You don’t have to like the current situation. I’m just describing it from a persuasion standpoint. I’m not rooting for the racists.

I still think Trump needs to come out clearly and unambiguously against racial politics. And I expect that to happen.

But the police shootings in Dallas probably changed the Clinton brand enough that Trump can glide into the presidency as things stand now, unless there are new developments.

But stay tuned because there are always new developments.

For new readers of this blog, I endorsed Hillary Clinton for my personal safety, because I live in California. It isn’t safe to say good things about Trump’s talent for persuasion when you live where I live. And my policy preferences don’t align with either candidate.

Speaking of personal safety, no one has ever died while reading my book. But I’m sure whatever you are doing instead of reading my book is fine too. But just to be on the safe side, ask your doctor if it is okay to continue not reading my book."

Friday, July 8, 2016

287,000 Jobs in June

A turn around? Hopefully. PB
From the Associated Press online:

Employers shook off two months of weak hiring by adding 287,000 jobs in June, a robust pace that suggests a resilient U.S. economy recovering from a slump early in the year...

The June hiring spurt marked a sharp improvement from May's dismal showing, when only 11,000 jobs were added, and April's modest gain of 144,000. June's increase was the largest since October 2015...

Even with June's big gain, job growth so far for 2016 trails last year's pace.

Employers added an average of 172,000 jobs a month in the first six months of this year. That's generally enough to lower the unemployment rate, but it's below last year's monthly average of 230,000.

The recent hiring slump had come after the economy grew at a tepid 1.1 percent annual rate in the first three months of the year.

Americans' spending rose at the slowest pace in two years during that time -- a significant drag given that consumer spending drives around 70 percent of the economy...